Thursday, September 9, 2010

Koran burning is stupid. Flood Relief is not stupid.

|Koran Burning| -99 life.
|Helping flood victims in Pakistan| +99 intelligence.


Let's say this together, out loud.


I'm so grateful for a nation that values freedom of religion. I'm glad that it's not illegal to burn the Koran, but let's be honest, it's not a smart thing to do. So, maybe I should also acknowledge that freedom of religion and freedom of speech leaves room for the freedom to act stupidly.

As much as it's possible, I would like to distance myself from that church in Florida which plans to burn the Koran on September 11, 2010. I am a Christian, but I do not wish to be associated with those people who also call themselves Christians. I fear that there are millions of people in the world who would not be able to separated my Christianity from the Koran-burning-type of Christianity.

But in an attempt to separate myself, I would like to offer up a Koran Burning Alternative (heretofore known as KBA).

My friend Lucinda has created a group and a method to support flood relief in Pakistan. Keep in mind that Pakistan is an Islamic nation. Yes. Send money to this Islamic nation.

In the words of Lucinda:

" We can help individuals regain homes and livelihoods, give food and clean water and prevent the deaths of countless children. How? Simply by giving up what we might spend on Starbucks for the week, or the cost of a movie ticket. "

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